…Happy Birthday, Veronica!

For those wondering who the mysterious Veronica is, here is a picture of her atop the tower of the Carquinez bridge in the San Francisco Bay Area, in all her lovely & intrepid glory. She is practically my twin (agewise), so I am not at liberty to reveal her age…


btw… here’s a link to a book about Port Costa she did photographs for. She denies any involvement with the text, and has no idea what’s up with the author’s apparent brickyard obsession.

Photographs in the book include both her father and her sister, Monica.

(sheesh… talk about nepotism…)

Stephen Colbert chosen AP Celebrity of the Year


 Stephen Colbert was voted AP Celebrity of the Year by newspaper editors and broadcast producers who said Colbert had the biggest impact on pop culture in 2007.

He finished just a nudge above J.K. Rowling, who authored the final book in her enormously popular “Harry Potter” series. Finishing third was Al Gore, whose year included an Oscar, an Emmy, a Nobel Peace Prize and the global concert Live Earth.

Colbert told The Associated Press by e-mail:

“In receiving this award, I am pleased that I was chosen over two great spinners of fantasy — J.K. Rowling and Al Gore. It is truly an honor to be named the Associated Press’ Celebrity of the Year. Best of all, this makes me the official front-runner for next year’s Drug-Fueled Downward Spiral of the year.”


Sonoma Christmas

This Christmas exhibition was created by a father to deal with the grief at the death of their daughter Andee to a drunk driver. When I walk home from the bus stop at night, it is there to light my way home.

In July, My first day in the Sonoma Valley….

I decided to take a bus ride from Glen Ellen to Sonoma Plaza, just to take in the layout. One of the first things I pass is the Sonoma Developmental Center, although I did not know this at the time.

I thought, “My God! I’ve moved next door to the infamous Napa State Mental Hospital!” I had visions of being chased around by the Men In the White Coats with Butterfly Nets™, mistaking me for an escapee. Later, somebody was kind enough to point out we were one full county/valley over from Napa Valley, and in fact, the place was not the celebrated institution of yore. I nevertheless reasoned that one can’t be too careful, but…


The Photos