Bad VR

First: I was a Bad Blogger, because I had no idea what I wanted to do when some unsuspecting sucker offered me a free forum for my deranged musings…

Second: Some entirely irresponsible adult offered me a megapixel digital camera for less than I would spend in a day on heroin & Ramen noodles, and I became a Bad Photographer…

Finally: I acquire an utter lack of facility in developing javascript applications, and now I am announcing my latest reinvention of myself in creating…

Bad Virtual Reality!!!

Take a looksee, and see what happens when you allow people like me to have access to computers!


(believe it or not, it was actually much worse until I did a little cropping to remove… well…


something like this (yes, that is a car materializing out of a fold in the space-time continuum(sp?))…)

2 Replies to “Bad VR”

  1. I love it when cars do that…except when I happen to be in one at the time. you’re too hard on yourself. You aint half bad. You have an eye or maybe two eyes for a good shot.

  2. There are some things I do fairly well for a beginning photographer but, as it was abundantly clear to me today, there are several areas I need a lot of work on. Anticipating shots, for example. I took a trip to Forestville today along the Gravenstein Highway, and I was able to capture about 1/5 of the shots I wanted to take.Ah well, live & learn. I’m still having an adventure learning how to operate all the gizmos on my sub-$100 point & shoot camera– like using the flash in a reliable manner. Yow!You’ll notice none of this has discouraged me at all from persisting in my error. In fact, I plan on persisting again tomorrow morning!Thanks for dropping in. I appreciate the kind words.

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