I’ve been working on several projects…

That’s why I haven’t been blogging much except for silly little frivolous items. Putting some of the final touches on a website for a friend of mine in Glen Ellen, for her Showcase Gallery


where she feature such notables as Linus Maurer (inspiration for the character “Linus” in the late Charles Schultz’s widely-celebrated Peanuts cartoon. And she is currently showing an original work by Stanley Mouse, who all you 60’s era afficianados will know from numerous psychedelic posters and album covers.

There’ll be more, but I gots to gets to bed…

Bad VR

First: I was a Bad Blogger, because I had no idea what I wanted to do when some unsuspecting sucker offered me a free forum for my deranged musings…

Second: Some entirely irresponsible adult offered me a megapixel digital camera for less than I would spend in a day on heroin & Ramen noodles, and I became a Bad Photographer…

Finally: I acquire an utter lack of facility in developing javascript applications, and now I am announcing my latest reinvention of myself in creating…

Bad Virtual Reality!!!

Take a looksee, and see what happens when you allow people like me to have access to computers!


(believe it or not, it was actually much worse until I did a little cropping to remove… well…


something like this (yes, that is a car materializing out of a fold in the space-time continuum(sp?))…)

Chupacabrahuahua recovered in Texas

She’s been a hunter all her life and has the mounted heads of a zebra and other exotic animals in her house to prove it. But the roadkill she found last month outside her ranch was a new one even for her, worth putting in a freezer hidden from curious onlookers: Canion believes she may have the head of the mythical, bloodsucking chupacabra.


Read the story HERE!