Visiting “Historic” Sonoma, CA

I've never been here before, dispite the fact that I've been in just about every town around the place. I just moved to Glen Ellen yeasterday, which is located just north of here. Both places are located in the Sonoma Valley, which is located in the California Wine Country™, one valley over from the World-Famous Napa Valley (toward the coast). Anyway, I had a pocket full of county bus passes, so I came down on the bus, passing through a couple of towns named after hot springs, and then through a very scenic section of Sonoma (which, as I learned later, is considered the "bad" side of town– i.e. populated by "brown-skinned" people) before passing a somewhat dismal suburban section (albeit populated by more "fair-skinned" people), and finally arrived at Historic Sonoma Plaza™.

At one side of the Plaza there is Historic Mission San Francisco Solano, and the rest of the plaza is surrounded by other historical lankmarks– filled with nothing but tourist traps & yuppie wine bars. Absolutely REVOLTING. Balked at the notion of purchasing a $12 burrito, settling instead for a six dollar cheeseburger (no fries). Actually, the whole reason for my sojourn was acting upon the ancient, prehistoric impulse to forage— in this case, in search of a new source of wireless connectivity to satiate a more recently evolved primal impulse.

Currently in the market for a new digital camera, perhaps capturing images at a slightly higher resolution than the $90 camera-phone that I was using until it was appropriated from my table at a cafe (while I was using the facilities). Pictures should ensue.

4 Replies to “Visiting “Historic” Sonoma, CA”

  1. I know I know…actually, I lost the camera phone several months ago, and have been forced to draw pictures of places I visit. The trouble comes when I try to cram the little pieces of paper into the floppy drive…

  2. You’ve moved to Sonoma valley? My turn to be jealous, I guess. Beautiful place, even if there are some touristy spots.

  3. Actually, I’m hoping to move nearer to the coast. I’m being considered for a position at O’Reilly Publishers (in Sebastopol), and that would allow me to afford to live there.k:-PPane boze! Mam sekeru v hlave!

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