Welcome to beautiful suburb-o-politan Santa Rosa


New picture album, featuring the town of Santa Rosa, self-proclaimed home of the late Charles Schultz, creator of the famous Peanuts cartoon series (Charlie Brown, for those unfortunate souls who live in countries far far away, without access to our fine American™ Cultural Traditions)

(self-proclaimed, anyway, by the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce. Schultz himself lived in Sebastopol, located one town over. And EVERYONE knows that Snoopy drinks ROOT BEER.)

red wine, indeed


Launched a new website…

There isn’t much to see so far (my contacts are a little slow getting me things like “content”– something I’m beginning to suspect is somewhat endemic to this crazy web-building biz…), so this is just the layout (and temporary at best)– but I did do a logo (my second as a designer), and I did a very clean all-CSS based layout for the site using a PHP-include framework.

OK OK. Enough run-on sentence(s?). The site is for the Santa Rosa Free Clinic, which is sponsored by Catholic Charities Family Services. Click on the pretty screenshot, which will take you to the site:


For other examples of my work, check out my homepage at glassangel.com, which is the “official” site for my nascent web-design business.

If you would like to provide feedback for any of my work, I would be happy to receive it here at this blog, or at the email address at the bottom of my portfolio page.

I don’t have much to say today…

but I’ve really enjoyed reading the blog posts today. People leading such interesting lives, roaming the world in search of new adventures…

wait a second. I’m envious.

I hate YOU ALL!!!


my fabulous life 
My fabulous life