Nothing much to say, but…

I'll post anyway. My life is still sh*t, but I just finished a site for a non-profit (pro bono, of course), and I'm in the preparation stage of developing a website for Santa Rosa Free Clinic (pro bono, at least initially). For the first project I modified a (collectively) previously decided-upon logo and built a site around it, using PHP and CSS (edge-y) to make it easy to update. …

The word in parentheses, collectively, is the operative word here. Decisions are to be made by committee (U2 can be heard… um, detecting a running joke here?)– however, there are those who believe that the colective view is merely an advisory opinion for their own executive judgement. It will be interesting to see how all this pans out. Already, there are rumblings of dissatisfaction over the color scheme, which was entirely based on the scheme suggested by the logo, which they themselves had voted on. Like a Dilbert cartoon, only there are several pointy-haired guys and only one engineer.

Stay tuned.

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