I’m not dead yet

Haven't logged on for awhile: Life's been crazy, and I've been separated from my laptop for awhile. I have done some reading: I finished Creation by Gore Vidal, and in a bizarre bit of synchronicity, I was reading Blogging the Bible online, and found myself reading about the exact same historical incidents from two different perspectives, Persian and Hebrew. Also some other incidents, notably the Greek / Persian wars, from the Persian point of view (including contemporary accounts written in clay staela), and the view of Herodotus (courtesy of livius.org). Also, there was that stupid movie 300, about the battle of Thermopilae, which was either bad history or gay porn, depending on your perspective.

Anyway, I don't have time to edit. I'm writing this on a library computer, and my time is running out. Please forgive any misspellings.

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