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For the past year, Spocko as been e-mailing advertisers of KSFO-AM with audio clips from its shows and asking sponsors to examine what they’re supporting. Some sponsors have pulled their ads, after hearing clips like one of KSFO’s Lee Rodgers suggesting that a protester be “stomped to death right there. Just stomp their bleeping guts out.”

–From the San Francisco Chronicle …

Another KSFO psychopath, said of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, “We’ve got a bulls-eye painted on her big laughing eyes.”

The parent company of KSFO, ABC/Disney, responded in a manner which we’ve come to expect from powerful interests over the past six years: they sicced their lawyers on the offending blogger who merely sent the advertisers audio clips of the frothing nutjobs who made these statements… (read more)

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