glassangel PHP & Robinson Jeffers

I don’t have a bunch of interesting adventures to talk about; mostly I’ve been working on my web-building skills. Yesterday I did a semi-major revamp of my design site: …

I’ve been primarily focussing on developing my scripting skills, such as PHP, Perl(CGI) and javaScript. My favorite bit of scripting technique involves the Server Side Include(s?) (SSI) using PHP. My portfolio page was designed using this technique, which allows me to essentially change pages without reloading the entire page, and also provides a template-based method for updating my site without altering the overall look of the site from page to page. Also on this site are some experiments with alpha transparency across different browsers, using .png transparency scripting for IE, and stylesheets and javaScript for cross-browser consistancy.

Another demo section involves design ideas inspired by the poetry of Robinson Jeffers.



New Post on Media Vulture, my News and Media Criticism Blog

Official Attacks Top Law Firms Over Detainees

WASHINGTON – The senior Pentagon official in charge of military detainees suspected of terrorism said in an interview this week that he was dismayed that lawyers at many of the nation’s top firms were representing prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and that the firms’ corporate clients should consider ending their business…

By Neil A. Lewis, New York Times …

There are superficial similarities to the Spocko case discussed in a previous posting: both are responding to activities which they deem harmful to society at large. Both advocate boycotts as a method of action against the “offending” parties. Those following the tone of political discourse for the past 10+ years (and especially since 9/11) know what the obvious neocon response would be:

read more…

Page 123

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal…along with these instructions.
5. Don’t search around and look for the “coolest” book you can find. Do what’s actually next to you. …

Continue reading “Page 123”

Some new page designs

I’m spending most of my time brushing up on my web building skills. Each day I rotate lessons in PHP, javaScript, Python and CGI/Perl, and I spand another part of my day in basic web design. …

The problem with learning several different scripting languages at one time is keeping track of the different operators that do the same thing in different languages.

(for example, I was having trouble getting my javaScripts to work. finally I realized that I was using the “.” concantenate operator rather than a “+” which is the one used in javaScript– and this is the one scripting language I’ve been using for years)

the sites are all on my design web site, glassangel. The pages are:

Robinson Jeffers: An American Prophet

and the pages that follow are based on his poems, with one bio page:

The Soul’s Desert

Be Angry at the Sun

the bio page

Bear in mind, this is a work in progress. I had a similar section on a free web hosting site (, but they killed it, first with waaayyy too many ads, and then (for some reason) they pulled everything but the cover page.

More “stuff” is arriving soon!

Support Spocko!

For the past year, Spocko as been e-mailing advertisers of KSFO-AM with audio clips from its shows and asking sponsors to examine what they’re supporting. Some sponsors have pulled their ads, after hearing clips like one of KSFO’s Lee Rodgers suggesting that a protester be “stomped to death right there. Just stomp their bleeping guts out.”

–From the San Francisco Chronicle …

Continue reading “Support Spocko!”


Not to put too fine a point on it, suffice it to say I’ve been offline for awhile …

I’m back now, and I’m currently at work on my design website,, and my newsblog, Media Vulture.

I’ll be posting more regularly here and on my other sites.

See ya soon.