I’ve GOT to get a digital camera

This business of taking photographs with my phone is for the birds– and even they are complaining…

Anyway, as I was walking home last night, I was walking through *ahem* Petaluma’s Historical Theatre District– which pretty much consists of a movie theatre and– um… actually, that’s really IT

They DO, however, have a rather nice art deco design for the otherwise pedestrian cinimaplex downtown. So as I was walking by I decided to take a couple of photographs (which appear on my photos page), one of which is the new splash page for my main site, which is kind of amusing for about two minutes, but I simply MUST come up with a more professional looking design if I’m ever going to get any paying gigs out of it.

I spent WAAAYYY more time today than I ever should have spent on it, trying to cobble together a natural-looking (FAILED) marquee for the middle of the photo leading into my site, including what was supposed to be a neon sign (failing again) reading “glassangel”.

Anyway, I have other work to do, so I guess it’s “Back to Work”…

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