hu wuddha thunkit (my favorite vegetarian Thai restaurant)

when I took my SATs years ago (at the ripe old age of 16), I declared myself a journalism major, and proceeded to take a grand total of one journalism class (before changing my major for the first time, to music, which pays sooo much better than journalism). My instructor (for the Spring Quarter satire edition of the Humboldt State journalism magazine) later became famous– as a hostage in Beirut.

I guess musicians don’t make the best hostages.

So here I am, lo these *ahem* 23 years later…

and I’m working on a satirical webzine The Paranoid Gazette, and I’m actually doing more research for each article than I would probably be doing if I were under deadline at a real journalism gig… Could explain why Comedy Central wins more Peabody Awards than Fox News. (I mean, other than the obvious fact that Fox news is to journalism what ptomaine is to egg salad…)

In other news, one of my favorite Texans (a short list) and favorite politicians (an even shorter list), the inimitable Ann Richards, died this past week of cancer at age 73. I’ve posted an excerpt from Molly Ivins column marking the event (as well as a link to the full column) in my news blog Media Vulture, including a cool picture that I found in some archive from Texas.

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