Everything happens for the best…

Well, I won't go so far as to say that… but–

sometimes things turn out better than you were expecting. So, that thing about streets running red? uh… never mind…

anyway, I got a better offer from the same agency in the wake of the recent debacle. This job pays more, it's easier to get to in the morning, annnddd…

I only had to go to one interview to get it; I met the people, and they seemed very nice. And, frankly, I think I blew the last interview myself: when he asked if it seemed like something I might be excited to do (I'm paraphrasing, but the question was something along those lines), I think a brief expression of terror flashed across my face, because I really had to think about my answer for a moment (my thoughts were along the lines of: "No, I'm really NOT excited at the prospect of doing such tedious, repetitive tasks for so little compensation, but honestly I can realy use the income…"), before answering, "uh, yeah…"

I HATE it when people tell me things like "everything happens for a reason." I hate it even more when sometimes they appear to be right…

Finally, I just put in the order to bring my first two domains, glassangel (my web/database/graphic design name) and The Paranoid Gazette, online at host Laughing Squid, frequent co-conspirators of al Qacophany tenticles in San Francisco.

Anyway, gotta run… I'm late for my Ellipses and Italics Anonymous meeting…

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