“The streets will run red with the blood of our [capitalist] oppressors…”

Yet another negative [near] employment experience. I was up for a job as a project coordinator, where I had to go through four interviews (in addition to my interview with the recruiting firm) during the hiring process. The process took 2 1/2 weeks, cost tons of money in transportation on top of the numerous wasted hours (days)– then they called me today to say I "wasn't a good fit". Considering the lengthy hiring process, they should have been willing to pay more anyway. The company had what appeared to be an unlisted address, and now I know why.

I've been unusually tired lately; I guess I've just been depressed. The world is going to Hell with a quickness, and my bank balance is getting precipitously thin, but I don't suppose that has anything to do with it. I guess I need to get my AJAX-fueled, Web 2.0 website going so I can pull in all those millions of dollars in ad revenue before the world economy tanks. If I'm able to get it up and running by the weekend, I should have a couple of weeks before the sky parts and Elvis returns to judge us all.

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