Haven’t posted for a bit…

Sleep schedule's been waaaayyy off. Energy is dropping in the dirt when I need to get things done…

boy, that Colbert thing was pretty heady stuff! I didn't realize when I posted his video that we were making history of sorts– I just thought it was a cool thing for Colbert to do, given the opportunity. I actually met someone (whom I'd never met before) who was bounced to my site the first night I posted the video. Mom saw the video on ABC four nights later, and asked if I had "heard about it".

I've been working since then on a website that I'm doing for a nonprofit, and as a result I'm brushing up on my graphics design as well as scripting (which I still suck at , for the most part). I have some books on AJAX on order, so I'll be trying to learn that (poorly) soon.

Also bringing my main sites online soon, The Paranoid Gazette and glassangel(design). In the meantime, I'm still here, with a very amateurish design, until such time as I can get these other sites up & running.

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