Nothing really interesting today

I started out feeling pretty good & energetic, but after several hours of waiting around my apartment for my brother to arrive from Livergulch (while it was nice & sunny alllll afternoon), left me feeling listless & irritable. Worked on Fireworks out of one of the Zero to Hero books; couldn't get the program to save a gradient I had made (my guess is a software bug), but fortunately I got my old copy of Macromedia MX Studio from my brother, and reloaded the whole suite.

It's night, the light in my room is bad, and I'm really not motivated to get any work accomplished right now. Cleared a bunch of crap out of my old Yahoo mailbox (which will be 10 years old sometime next year! Whee!), the longest I've had any sort of address in awhile…

I was hoping to catch Reverend Billy, visiting Petaluma from New York, spreading his "stop shopping" gospel to the Heathen Suburbanites, but I had to wait for my bro. (the county bus system actually goes out of its way to stop at any Walmart in the county. yikes!)

(Reading this posting back strikes me as an awful waste of server space. Oh well…)

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