Working this week, upstairs from O’Reilly & Safari Books

I think I've mentioned (not that I really imagine anyone is actually reading this) that I've been refreshing my CSS skills. I've been using Eric Meyer's Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, published by O'Reilly & Associates, and I've been working out of Designing With Javascript, also by O'Reilly.

Well, guess who I'm working upstairs from this week?

Actually, the company I'm working for is someone you photographers out there might know: LowePro. I understand they're fairly well known in the industry.

Anyway, I'm taking a break from the CSS for a few days. I just did an experimental layout using css columns from the CSS3 specification, which will only work in Firefox, but here's hoping that Opera will pick this up soon (I have no such illusions about Microsuck, who won't even be supporting the entire CSS2 spec in their next version).

I also may be working on some websites that have some degree of visibilty outside that small circle of people who are usually involved with the organization requesting the site.

Boy howdy, I'm tired. I haven't had much sleep for a few days, so I hope my grammer doesn't appear too labored.

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