Even the pros get fed up

I've been working really hard on layouts using as much CSS as will display properly across browsers, and I've been trying to go for a very clean, polished look. I'm not always successful, so I decided to see how they did their layout at, say… the NY Times (I mean, these people have several fonts named after them fergodssake… so they must know something about layout & design, right?)

OK, so I check them out, and downloaded their two main stylesheets, and lookie what I found at the bottom of http://graphics8.nytimes.com/css/common/global.css: (for those following along at home, scroll to the verry bottom of the page, and check out the webmaster's comments:

/* move this crap to section front if needed, what a mess… – James

ul, ol {
padding-left: 0px;
margin-left: 18px;
_margin-left: 22px;


Now, far from criticising, I actually find it refreshing that someone, at this level of their profession, can find it frustrating to deal with the demands of a high-powered client who wants things to be a certain way… regardless of whether it will work with the unyielding demands of the technical environment.

Anyway, you can go to the URL listed above & download the stylesheet for yourself (and you might as well download the HTML file and this stylesheet while you're at it.


"Never trust a newspaper that doesn't have a comics page."

11 Replies to “Even the pros get fed up”

  1. Yes. i know. i have already search in google.com. i have a answer. margin: 0 0 0 4px; /* margin for all browsers */ _margin-left:6px; /* margin for IE 5+ on win, including IE 6 in standardmode */ _margin-left:8; /* margin for IE 5+ on win in quirks mode, but not IE 6when it is in standard mode */However Thanks

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