New place! (in physical space)

Just moved into a 2 bedroom townhouse in Santa Rosa a couple of days ago. I have an internet connection in the place, but no router, so as soon as I get that hooked up (oh, and a desk…), then… I'll probably never leave home. Anyway, I've got to find a new job to pay for all this, so I'll be keeping this short (so I can cut out of here quickly & run).

Bla Bla Bla…

Worked on some CSS last night, trying to pare down a 3 column layout to the barest essentials. Because the

tag has proven so ineffective as a layout device, I'm back to using tables to block out the desktop real estate. I heard the W3C was trying to deprecate tables as a layout device, but apparently (due to wildly inconsistant implementations in different browsers) they are actually expanding the table specification in CSS.

I have a pretty good 3 column layout that works consistantly in the three major Windows browsers, so I'm going to be working on some sample sites soon.

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