The problem with self-appointed guardians of public moralty

Right now, unfortunately, I'm forced to get my internet access at a public computer that has a hideous, facist program called "Net Nanny" loaded on it. I understand they don't want the pervs downloading "Barnyard Hottie" in places where minors have computer access, but I notice they block a lot of other sites that have nothing to do with ####. It's blocked tech sites, .edu sites… and it blocked the Santa Rosa Press Democrat site– I joked it was because it had the word "Democrat" in the URL. Then I was checking out the blogs on the Opera site, and it blocked one blog– in fact, it shut down the entire browser– when I accessed a site calling for the impeachment of Bush! Verr-rry suspicious…

Oddly, it then opened IE Explorer, and brought up a news article in which Antonin Scalia described critics as "crazy" who called for civil rights for suspected enemy combatants in Guantanamo.

(hey, a knock at the door… wonder who that could be…)

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